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Last semester in UiTM

Hi, I might say that I am super proud of myself today. I started my day with a thirty minute morning walk around my college! Discovering that UiTM Segamat also has a pineapple field, gymnasium and even sauna & spa at our college, makes my sharp jaws drop haha. Might try the treadmill one fine day. Let's see how that curiosity lasts. UiTM always provides the best for us, beyond everything. UiTM Segamat is way too charming to me. The tree, hill, old but unique building, bird chirping, fresh air, wild flowers… so refreshing! I am glad that I started my new life routine here. Looking at the old building but still amazed makes me realize that, it's not about the money, not about the fancy building, nor about the spacious car, but it's all about people and love. The road is too huge for me, and makes me feel that someone is welcoming me home. There are no photos taken. I just brought along my smart watch that I once regretted buying. Bought something fancy (because I’m not a

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